
2022 Annual Report

The Anne Frank House organisation was founded on 3 May 1957, with Otto Frank as one of the founders. It had the dual aim of preserving Anne Frank’s hiding place and opening it up to the public, and of drawing worldwide attention to Anne’s life story.

The mission statement of the Anne Frank House

The Anne Frank House is an independent organisation dedicated to the preservation of the place where Anne Frank went into hiding and wrote her diary during the Second World War. The organisation brings the life story and the work of Anne Frank to the attention of as many people as possible worldwide, partly with the aim of raising awareness of the dangers of antisemitism, racism and discrimination and the importance of freedom, equal rights and democracy.

‘The organisation’s work is not limited to managing the House. It was set up to increase awareness of the events of the dark years of the Second World War and the persecution of the Jews and to fight discrimination, prejudice, and oppression in the world today.’

Board and organisation

The Anne Frank House adheres to the Governance Code for the Cultural Sector, which provides guidelines for the proper, responsible, and transparent governance of and by cultural institutions as well as guidelines for supervision of their governance. The code applies to all Dutch subsidised cultural institutions. Please refer to the appendix for a more detailed explanation of the way in which the Anne Frank House complies with the eight principles of the Governance Code for the Cultural Sector.

The museum is managed according to a Supervisory Board model, in which the Executive Board is responsible for managing the Anne Frank House. The Executive Board is appointed by the Supervisory Council. The Supervisory Council supervises the Executive Board’s course of action and provides advice.

Supervisory Council

The Supervisory Council supervises all aspects of the organisation. The report of the Supervisory Board on the way the Board fulfilled its role in 2022, as well as the items that were on the agenda for the Supervisory Board meeting, can be found on the website (only in Dutch).

On 31 December, Ernst Hirsch Ballin stepped down as chairman of the Supervisory Board after twelve years due to reaching the maximum term of office. We are very grateful for his many years of involvement and commitment to the Anne Frank House. He will be succeeded by Wouter Koolmees.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is responsible for managing the Anne Frank House. Ronald Leopold has been its Executive Director since 2011. He temporarily took over the duties of managing director after Garance Reus-Deelder's departure. Mireille Pondman was appointed managing director from November 2022. She previously worked as director at the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History.

‘In these times of great transitions the work of the Anne Frank House is more relevant than ever. I am therefore delighted to be able to contribute to the objectives and continuity of the organisation together with my colleagues.’

Remuneration policy

The Anne Frank House has its own terms and conditions of employment and, for the most part, observes the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) for museums. The Executive Board is paid in conformity with the Governance Code for the Cultural Sector. The members of the Supervisory Council are not paid.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The Anne Frank House values proper compliance with the GDPR. In our collaborations with other parties, for instance, we invariably use a processing agreement drawn up in accordance with GDPR guidelines. Our compliance is periodically assessed by an external party. Within the Anne Frank House, employees are periodically involved in compliance with policies and procedures regarding the processing of personal data and the GDPR.

Inclusion and diversity

The Anne Frank House adheres to the Cultural Diversity Code. In view of the objects clause contained in the articles of association of the Anne Frank House and the House’s history, diversity and inclusion are essential values. Our recruitment policy was set up to ensure a diverse workforce.

Employee Council

The Employee Council represents the interests of the organisation and the employees of the Anne Frank House, and participates in discussions about proposed organisational developments.Until the elections in September 2022 five employees were members of the Employee Council. After the elections the Employee Council consists of seven (mostly new) members. Several items came up in 2022, including an occupational health and safety consultation. 


The Anne Frank House collaborates with long-standing partner organisations in Argentina, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, and the United States. They host the travelling Anne Frank exhibitions and organise the accompanying educational activities in their countries.

Our partners


The Anne Frank House does not receive ongoing government funding for the museum, and largely depends on the revenues from the entrance fees.

For the funding of major museum renovations and educational projects the organisation depends on charitable funds, donations, and grant-giving bodies such as the European Union and the Dutch government.

Examples of project support

  • The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has supported the development and implementation of educational projects in the Netherlands for teachers and trainee teachers, young people and police officers, and of educational activities in professional and amateur football. The Ministry also made it possible for an employee of the Anne Frank House to become a delegate of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
  • The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment supported the development and implementation of educational projects in the Netherlands in amateur and professional football.
  • The European Commission supported the distribution of the anti-discrimination toolbox Stories that Move 2.0, including teacher training. It also supported youth engagement and the development of training tools within our international Anne Frank Youth Network.
  • The Dutch embassy in Colombia facilitated the travelling Anne Frank exhibition there, including placements and the training of guides.
  • The European Solidarity Corps – an EU programme, implemented in the Netherlands by the Netherlands Youth Institute – helped the Anne Frank House to recruit three volunteers within the Educational Projects department.
  • The Mondriaan Fund made the development and construction of the online Anne Frank Knowledge Base possible, as well as the development of the educational tool Anne’s World.
  • Several Dutch embassies facilitated travelling Anne Frank exhibitions, in France, Hungary, Italy and Suriname respectively.
  • Veterans Affairs Canada sponsored our educational activities in Canada.
  • The David Berg Foundation facilitated the English-language dubbing of the sequel to the Anne Frank video diary: After the Arrest.
  • The Digital Heritage Network contributed to linking NIOD’s external WW2 thesaurus to our collection management system.
  • The VriendenLoterij made the temporary exhibition Anne Frank’s diary – 75 years at the Anne Frank House possible.


Since 2007, the Anne Frank House has been an annual beneficiary of the VriendenLoterij (formerly the BankGiro Loterij). The VriendenLoterij supports organisations dedicated to the welfare of people and culture. 

The Anne Frank House received a cheque for the considerable sum of €273,866 from the VriendenLoterij as a contribution in 2022. Besides the fixed annual amount of € 200,000, we received an extra contribution of €73,866 thanks to the participants who stated that they wanted to play to benefit the Anne Frank House.

Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds

The Anne Frank House was awarded the Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds Prijs 2022 (Prince Bernhard Culture Fund Prize) on 28 November. Queen Máxima presented the oeuvre prize worth €100,000 during a gala ceremony at the STRAAT Museum in Amsterdam. We are deeply honoured and gratified with the award, which we will use to develop an audio tour for children and young people, for use both in the Anne Frank House and online.

‘‘For decades, the Anne Frank House has been bringing the life story and legacy of Anne Frank to the world’s attention in a creative and inspiring way. With ingenious digital and educational solutions, it points out the dangers of antisemitism, racism and discrimination while highlighting the importance of freedom, equal rights and democracy. A fine and deserving winner of our cultural oeuvre award, which annually rewards an organisation or individual who makes a special and long-term commitment to culture or nature.’