For young people there is a ‘meet and greet’ and a signed postcard from Luna Cruz Perez, who plays Anne Frank in the Anne Frank video diary. And on 12 June at 2 PM carillonist Boudewijn Zwart will play a musical ode in honour of Anne Frank’s birthday on the carillon of the Westerkerk.
Anne Franks’ 91st birthday

June 10, 2020 — On Friday 12 June we will be reflecting on the 91st anniversary of Anne Frank’s birth. There will be special introductory programmes in the Anne Frank House, which has been open again since 1 June, and visitors will be given a special picture postcard.
‘I’ll make my voice heard, I’ll go out into the world and work for mankind!’
Online tickets
The Anne Frank House is open seven days a week, and can only be visited with an online ticket with a time slot. It’s possible to follow an introductory programme before your museum visit. More information.
‘We’re delighted that we can welcome visitors to the Anne Frank House again, especially on her birthday. Now that most international tourists are still forced to stay at home we say to the Dutch people: come this summer! You’ll have plenty of time and space to enter through the bookcase to the Secret Annexe, where the lines marking her growing height and her pictures on the wall bear witness to her time in hiding, as do her diaries, which can be seen in the diary room. And you can hear about Anne’s life story in the context of the Second World War and the Holocaust in an audio tour.’
For everyone who wants to visit the Anne Frank House but can’t (yet) do so, we’d like to point out The Secret Annex, where they can take a virtual tour of Anne’s Frank hiding place. On our YouTube channel they can see the Anne Frank video diary: a new online video series in which 13-year-old Luna Cruz Perez plays Anne Frank and translates her diary letters into video diaries. Over five million people around the world have now viewed the video diary on YouTube.