
Research Claims Conference


Jan. 25, 2023 — We have taken account of the findings of the Claims Conference research, as set out in the executive summary. These confirm the trend that as time passes, knowledge of the Holocaust continues to decline.

This is a worrying development and underlines the importance of Holocaust education in the Netherlands. As the Anne Frank House, we are committed to this and will continue to do so. Among other things through our educational programs and our training offer for teachers. It is extremely important that young people learn about the Holocaust at school. How democracy and the rule of law were put out of action, people were excluded from society, deported and murdered. The life story of Anne Frank contains all these elements.

Our teaching material about the Holocaust

After the Arrest

The English-language version of the video series Anne Frank - After the Arrest follows Anne’s life story after the period in hiding. From an indeterminate time and place, Anne looks back on the events after the arrest – the last six months of her life in the concentration camps – telling of them in monologues.

Watch the series on our YouTube channel