
Travelling exhibitions and activities

Since 1992 the Anne Frank House has been active in Switzerland with travelling exhibitions and educational activities.

Due to the Covid-19 crisis, most exhibitions and projects have stopped indefinitely. Through these links below you will find the online material in German, French and Italian on this website.

To online German educational material
To online French educational material
To online Italian educational material


For more information on the activities organised in the French speaking part of Switzerland, please contact the website or the facebook page of Anne Frank - Espace Francophone.

To the website of Anne Frank Espace Francophone

To the facebook page Anne Frank Espace Francophone

For more information about the travelling exhibitions and activities in the German and Italian speaking part of Switzerland , please visit the Anne Frank Verein official Facebook page or contact the Anne Frank House project coordinator Austria and Switzerland.

To the facebook page Anne Frank Verein Austria