In the sixth grade of the Montessorischool, 12-year-old Anne drew a series of seven mandalas. Anne drew the flower pattern with a compass and coloured it in with pencil. The same pattern is drawn on the back in blue ink. Anne’s name and the date, 27-5-'41, are written on the drawing in her own handwriting.

Drawing by Anne Frank, made at the 6th Montessorischool
Collection: Anne Frank Stichting, Amsterdam
Drawing by Anne
Mandalas drawn with coloured pencil
Highlights from the collection
Browse the collection
Photograph of Margot with Rosa Holländer-Stern
Hand in hand with grandmother in Aachen
Cotton bag
Personal property of Otto Frank
Children’s gramophone
Gift on the occasion of Anne’s birth
LOI course in Latin
Margot kept up with her studies in the Secret Annex
Bobbin used to open and close the bookcase
The hidden entrance to the Secret Annex
Traces of the people in hiding
The story of the beans that were left behind
Margot’s photo album
Photographs from her baby and toddler years
Margot’s rowing medal
Exercising with friends
Yad Vashem award
Appreciation for the helpers after the war
Principles of Botany
Anne’s last birthday present
Photograph of Margot with Rosa Holländer-Stern
Hand in hand with grandmother in Aachen
Cotton bag
Personal property of Otto Frank
Children’s gramophone
Gift on the occasion of Anne’s birth
LOI course in Latin
Margot kept up with her studies in the Secret Annex
Bobbin used to open and close the bookcase
The hidden entrance to the Secret Annex
Traces of the people in hiding
The story of the beans that were left behind
Margot’s photo album
Photographs from her baby and toddler years
Margot’s rowing medal
Exercising with friends
Yad Vashem award
Appreciation for the helpers after the war
Principles of Botany
Anne’s last birthday present